My name is Tamesha Monk. I’m from Mesquite, Texas. I graduated from John Horn High School in 2020. Currently, I am a Senior at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, where I major in Multimedia Communications with an emphasis in Broadcast Production. I’m expected to graduate in May of 2024. Over my college career I’ve interned for StoryFit located in Austin, Texas, U.S Army Joint Munitions Command located in Rock Island,
Illinois, and now with Arkansas Soul and the KKAC Organization. I’m a photographer, writer, journalist, screenwriter, and creator. I love to read and write in my free time. After graduation, I’d like to work within public relations, public affairs, or behind the scenes working with cameras and editing. My long term goal is to be an established screenwriter and an inspiration to others who want to do the same as me. I look forward to working with Arkansas Soul and all it has to offer.