The last 12 months were unlike any Arkansans have seen in their lifetimes. A global pandemic, a contentious election and protests calling for racial justice mixed together to create an unforgettable moment in history. Before we welcome the dawn of a new year in hopes something better lies ahead, let’s take one last look at how far we’ve come. Here are 10 stories that highlight some of the challenges and triumphs of BIPOC Arkansans in 2020.
Over the summer, Black University of Arkansas students launched a social media campaign to share some of their negative experiences on campus. This video highlights some of their responses.
In this opinion piece, Rickey Booker Jr., an associate trainer, facilitator and consultant for the IDEALS Institute at the University of Arkansas, reflects on the death of George Floyd.
NWA Latinx Community Faces Distinct COVID-19 Threat
The Hispanic community has been hit hard by the pandemic. Rachell Sanchez Smith shares the stories of essential workers who feel they have no choice but to continue working during the health crisis.
Arkansas Elects First Openly Transgender Candidate to Office
After the original candidate dropped out of the race due to health reasons, Evelyn Rios Stafford took her place and is now the first transgender Arkansan elected to office.
Organizations Partner to Support Spanish Speakers Accessing Statewide Rental Assistance Program
Community groups have partnered to ensure Spanish speakers have access to a rental assistance program offered through the state’s Community Action Agencies.
Muscogee Artist Creates Mural for Museum of Native American History
The Museum of Native American History has commissioned Tulsa-based artist Johnnie Diacon to paint a commemorative Trail of Tears mural.
Artists Respond to Exhibition Exploring Racism, Gun Violence
Actors, dancers and musicians have created work inspired by a large, powerful exhibition created by Nick Cave.
Racism About and At Home: A Personal Essay
An Arkansas native wants to defend her home to classmates at her Ivy League school, but struggles based on racist incidents experienced as a child.
Law Enforcement Task Force Submits Final Report to Governor
A new report includes 27 recommendations for police reform including enhancing accountability for excessive force and increasing mandatory bias training.
Congress Approves Medicaid Access for Marshall Islanders
The federal COVID-19 relief bill passed in December restores Medicaid access to migrants who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.